Link Ghost

Thumbnail of the map 'Link Ghost'

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Author ChrisE
Tags author:chrise ghost unrated
Created 2013-03-30
Last Modified 2013-03-30
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ...I'm...



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Pages: (0)

Interesting tiles

but the difficulty of the final jump kinda discouraged replayability for me particularly agd
Demo Data

Somewhat addictive

aesthetically, it's not golden (..apart from the gold), and overall the concept just didn't really appeal to me. The challenge the gameplay presented however was very respectable, and the last few jumps to the exit bombed many decent-but-likely-considered-disgustingly-underpar-by-Eddy runs. 3/5

totally worth getting a demo
Demo Data

Of course it is

this is /ChrisE/ we're talking about

Bad News

I don't think this level is possible..