putting your patience to the test

Thumbnail of the map 'putting your patience to the test'

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Author Sunset
Tags author:sunset basedgod unrated
Created 2013-04-13
Last Modified 2013-04-13
Map Data

Description putting your body on the line for less

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'there is water underground' Thumbnail of the map 'volume v.u.' Thumbnail of the map 'are you having a laugh' Thumbnail of the map 'underground' Thumbnail of the map 'bye for like a month' Thumbnail of the map 'I'M WALKING ON SUNSHINE'
there is water underground volume v.u. are you having a laugh underground bye for like a month I'M WALKING ON SUNSHINE


Pages: (0)

because this my "ChaoNebularLegend" account was my attempt to troll, and it showed me that I absolutely SUCK at it. []


rofl right now, u guys down below XD

Kinda sad that you guys are the same... pixel is pretty cool, comix is nice, chao is a retarded troll...


Moved a bit slow, I didn't like the bottom gold close with mines. Tileset looks nice and the map did move smoothly.


Demo Data
maybe i don't go here too much
but my little (quote quote) "prank" (which I would rather call, "the best comedy ever") stirred up a LOT of chaos, and not on one of my maps.

I'm sorry...

I just made things go bad, didn't I?
Now the only reason people are visiting this map is for the comments. I'm truly sorry, Sunset. You deserve better than this. As for Comix and Chao, You are BOTH lunkheads. Get over it, lunkheads.

No, Sunset.

Just, no.

By the way

it's not a cover-up.
Because there is nothing to be covering up.
of us three being the same.



Not a lunkhead.


Definitely not a lunkhead.
I never will be.

wow. Pixel, that was low of you.

Lunkheads. All of you.


The cover up!



Stop it, Pixel.

I do not appreciate this prank.
Please stop.


that was awkward.
Guess your cover is blown.

I can't believe

I made that mistake of using the wrong account to post a comment. WHY!!! oh god WHY!!!


forget you saw this...
...I lose now...
I am Chao, the Nebular Legend!
I believe Nebular Legendary Chao > angel chao.
I win. Now to do the same thing to Yahoozy.

Ah ha ha ha...

i win

i am the best.
Demo Data
Enjoy your wonderful time on NUMA posting maps!
Quick rule: No more than 2 maps on the hot pages. It's an unwritten rule.
Have fun! Ciao! *vanishes like Dimentio from Super Paper Mario (who remembers how badass he is?)*