Legitimate Heir

Thumbnail of the map 'Legitimate Heir'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author timothefreerunner
Tags action author:timothefreerunner unrated
Created 2014-01-23
Last Modified 2014-01-23
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Lately I've had a mapmaking bug, and a buttload of ideas, and now both time and creative resources for N have dwindled. So, instead of about a map every 1.5 days from me, it'll be less regular. I'll still try to go on NUMA once a day and play your maps.

Anyways, that's an update on me.
As for this map, RCE :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Constricted Passage' Thumbnail of the map 'Shattered Honeycomb' Thumbnail of the map 'Project: Beta' Thumbnail of the map 'Biomechanics' Thumbnail of the map 'Hive Mind' Thumbnail of the map 'Project: Gamma'
Constricted Passage Shattered Honeycomb Project: Beta Biomechanics Hive Mind Project: Gamma


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

Fun map

Managed to get a close call with the chaingun. That chaingun was placed well.
Demo Data


Felt somewhat old-school to me somehow
Demo Data