Ground's Rumble

Thumbnail of the map 'Ground's Rumble'

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Author ManyFacedGod
Tags author:manyfacedgod fun rumble unrated
Created 2014-07-09
Last Modified 2014-07-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The ground shakes and moves apart. Buildings fall and people die. Those who survive have to live on knowing that one day, it will be their turn.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Icicle Cavern' Thumbnail of the map 'Offset and Unmatched' Thumbnail of the map 'Lego Pieces' Thumbnail of the map 'Shambles' Thumbnail of the map 'Pinchers' Thumbnail of the map 'Top Hat's Top Hat'
Icicle Cavern Offset and Unmatched Lego Pieces Shambles Pinchers Top Hat's Top Hat


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and no I haven't bothered asking him/you why he does
I realised that btw and hoped ppl wouldn't bother nitpicking. (and this is added to what Zoasbe said) and Eto's willingness to still publish maps from different accounts for some reason


My avatar is different from the avatar of ElHombre. Please look at the two again closely. They are similar, but they are not the same. I did not even know of the existence of ElHombre when I created my account.

Everyone else, thanks for playing. I hoped you enjoyed it.


the speedrun was fucking easy!!!
suggests that u might be Etothetaui -who has the same painting in one of his numa profiles


I think this map needs a few tweeks and its worth it. But I really enjoyed the amazingly thin line -path of success on this map and it seems unsurpassed by anything I've played before. This was pretty close> death demo
Demo Data


know a faster way now hang on
the drone look.. worse runonboard
Demo Data

Damn, this is hard

More than I expected, the rocket was deadly and gauss killed me few times too.

I enjoyed this map, here is slow AGD.
Demo Data