
Thumbnail of the map 'Ultramagnetic'

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Author blacklef
Tags author:blacklef chaingun magnetic smoke unrated
Created 2014-10-12
Last Modified 2014-10-12
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data



also, why can't I change my avatar?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sanguine Sun' Thumbnail of the map 'Spiderland' Thumbnail of the map 'Gauss vs Gauss' Thumbnail of the map 'homicidal somnambulism' Thumbnail of the map 'Voltage' Thumbnail of the map 'Ace'
Sanguine Sun Spiderland Gauss vs Gauss homicidal somnambulism Voltage Ace


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I agree with James.

The chaingun doesn't work in an open area like this one. A laser would have been the better choice.
Gauss would fit better here, its too narrow for a chaingun

Completing the map normally is fun, but agd is unrealistic, or at least just not fun to even attempt
Demo Data

i thought this was really cool, but u sure about the dirty chain gun? (vs a gauss) I only like chainguns in more closed spaces, otherwise I think they end up either looking inefficient (silly) or being too hard.
Your avatar is like fresh spring grass lol. Mine I dont like as it makes me look like im screaming or something (esp after my not very social beginnings on numa)
Many old and known good mappers had the green default avatar, like nevermore, Maniak, spiker5, or even koipen and NachoCheese...


Man im getting more and more annoyed by this green drone-like thingy every Day :/


Im getting annoyed by this green drone-like thingy every Day
I have had this one for two years.