
Thumbnail of the map 'RAcey'

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Author cornetboy
Tags author:cornetboy playable race rated
Created 2005-12-29
Last Modified 2005-12-29
by 8 people.
Map Data

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'oh!!..... FIDDLESTICKS!' Thumbnail of the map 'Bloody Hell!' Thumbnail of the map 'Action Map I can't think of a title for... and DON'T suggest one please based on your opinion' Thumbnail of the map '...' Thumbnail of the map 'Hard but do-able'
Simple Challenge oh!!..... FIDDLESTICKS! Bloody Hell! Action Map I can't think of a title for... and DON'T suggest one please based on your opinion ... Hard but do-able


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Medium map, not really good: that's right, there are too many ennemies. An other thing: the mined way on the right isn't passable fast, we have to slow down, and that's not great for a race.
But you did a good job anyway, and your map looks like something ;-)
Avoid so many useless objects. You don't need as many mines as you have. At the beginning loop, you have way to many thwumps, when just one pointing in each direction would be fine. The trap doors that block of the path from which you came are also pointless, as are the jump pads at the end. It is a fun map, but you just need to work on a few aspects of your map making skills. You have potential, I can see that, and this map is a lot better than maps of people who have been here for months, lol. I won't mention names. Anyways, for now I will give you a 2.5/5, but I enjoyed it. Hope I was helpful.


Good Flow, but all the launchpads at the end were really just plain stupid and there were too many enemies. You don't need that many. 3/5