The Bell Jar

Thumbnail of the map 'The Bell Jar'

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Author origami_alligator
Tags action author:origami_alligator southpaw unrated
Created 2016-08-13
Last Modified 2016-08-13
Map Data

Description I didn't play this enough to know if it's actually possible. Good luck!

Other maps by this author

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Pages: (0)

Hey! I'm getting the Other page updated (sorry it took so long) and it looks like the FAQ on the forum needs a decent amount of content fixes. Would you mind editing it up on the forum? And I can just grab it when you're done. (Or if you don't have time, I'll see what I can do, but I don't have a whole to of time right now either.)
I'm down to send pastes via NUMA unless you want to do it realtime in IRC chat
are we supposed to do this over IRC? Are we facebook friends?

Because yes, collab. Let's do it.



yes great reviews, please continue!
i'll try to get a few done soon, we've really been hurting for review wunatity
everyone has their own style for reviewing maps, so long as you think they're adequate and at least tangentially relevant to the map in some way (title, description, etc), it should be fine.

a lot of the newer users, i've noticed, seem to mind when the review is about the title or something else other than the map, but i'm honestly not worried about the quality considering the people we have, and because of how rare reviews seem to be.

tl;dr you're fine


hey hey!

Sure thing, will be super easy if I just sit down and get my shit together...
Wanna write up some reviews as payment? ;P Review queue should be working, but no one's been writing any, so we still don't know for sure.


Tempus is the person for editing the site since he has backdoor access via arachnid
you are an ex-admin so you're trustworthy anyways, but i also remember you being a good reviewer as well
Amazing how many old authors are popping up
this is great!!
here's a very shitty AGD.
Demo Data


This was kind of fun to play even though I never did beat it, but there were too many types of drones or too many drones or both. The passive drones didn't really seem to do much for the level except clutter it even more and I don't know how I feel about both laser drones and tracking drones. Maybe try removing one of the laser drones, removing the passive drones and remove a couple of the tracking drones or at least space them out more. A cool concept otherwise, I'll keep trying and see if I can finish it.