Don`t get bored

Thumbnail of the map 'Don`t get bored'

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Author Alkaliho
Tags author:alkaliho playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-01-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I was bored...

(I typed a lot of fancy stuff here, but due to my noobyness (1st time I submit a map here) i had to do it all over again, and I just didn`t felt like that :P)
Couse I was bored


Pages: (0)


well, thanks for the comment. I know my map isn`t that good, and I`l take a little more time making a map before submitting one.
And I`m not particular new here, but I just wanted to submit a map. Thank you for the link btw, I shouldn`t have clusterd he? :)

And here`s a demo, wich isn`t that good either, but Im sleepy and I started N just like 2 weeks ago. gnight ya all
Demo Data


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