Quantum Corridors

Thumbnail of the map 'Quantum Corridors'

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Author mathy
Tags author:mathy confusing logic maze puzzle unrated
Created 2017-04-22
Last Modified 2017-04-22
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A break from my typical difficult action maps.

This map was inspired by Phantom Corridors by Nexx and is a recreation of Jonathan Welton's quantum maze in N. As you explore the maze, walls collapse into existence in front of you depending on which way you go. It is initially an empty 5 by 5 grid but the maze-like nature is gradually revealed as you pass from one square to the next. If you make a wrong turn, the walls can easily trap you. Careful planning is required to escape the maze.

You can submit demos, but try to complete it without any spoilers.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Side Quest' Thumbnail of the map 'Easy...?' Thumbnail of the map 'X Wing' Thumbnail of the map 'Nostalgia' Thumbnail of the map '1.5D' Thumbnail of the map '1.5D 2'
Side Quest Easy...? X Wing Nostalgia 1.5D 1.5D 2


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super cool

i've made some progress through it, but it's heartening to know that it is possible. haven't watched demo yet, gonna try to solve it myself


This demo is a spoiler. If you are still playing this level and have not completed it, I strongly advise you not to watch this demo.
Demo Data