Concepting One Way

Thumbnail of the map 'Concepting One Way'

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Author byro009
Tags author:byro009 bug concept fun glitch playground unrated
Created 2017-06-13
Last Modified 2017-06-13
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map can be played as a playground showing the mechanics and all the ways(that I know of) to get through the one-way platform the wrong way.
This map can also be played and treated as any other map, as it is playable and has placed gold to make it interesting and fun.

Other maps by this author

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Spools of Thread Are you worthy? Twisted Momentum byro009 Conceptual Testing Quant-N Physics


Pages: (0)

Very interesting! I really enjoy experimental maps.
...lest they banish imperfections that grant so much beauty


Seen that glitch multiple times with the bounce block, but I've never been able to create a way to be able to constantly do it.


Demo Data


Is the way to pull off each mechanic. Just in case it's unclear.
Demo Data