Chinese Finger Trap

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Author shadenshaft
Tags author:shadenshaft bitesized dda rated
Created 2006-01-03
Last Modified 2006-01-03
by 31 people.
Map Data

Well guys im back. AMAZING to know that im 13th- good to know ive got a few fans =) anyway this map is the first one ive purposely experimented with cheating death. The others were accidents...
Hope ya like it and its good to be back

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sanity's Edge' Thumbnail of the map 'Insanity's Brink' Thumbnail of the map 'The Randomizer' Thumbnail of the map 'What? Where!?!' Thumbnail of the map 'The Ride' Thumbnail of the map 'Chained Fury'
Sanity's Edge Insanity's Brink The Randomizer What? Where!?! The Ride Chained Fury


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like i said

I was just experimenting with cheating death and yes nevermore is right it doesnt take much skill at all. Ill see what i can do on the next one... (Wont bother with cheating death)
yet, this was a slight disappointment. A SUPER HIGH 4/5, but not quite 4.5

Actually, doghouse,

That's absolute BS.
Cheating death wasn't included in early DDAs because nobody had discovered it yet. Once it was discovered, it was the coolest thing ever. People used in it all of their DDAs, because it was really interesting. Once it got overused, people got tired of seeing the same thing all of the time. They realized that it takes no skill to cheat death.
In no way does cheating death defeat the point of a DDA. It's still hella-cool. It just doesn't take very much skill.
It was also named cheating death (I think) by euphoria. It's called cheating death because you "cheat death." It's not a reference to cheating in DDAs. Cheating death is an actual expression.

Actually Amohan

Chainguns are really easy to dodge. ive done it before. And...traditional ddas were not meant to have cheating death in them. It defeats the whole purpose of making a DDA. Thas why they call it the CHEATing death effect.

That was great

Maybe a little short, but it was nice. And there were like 4 close with the chaingun. Are killerman and doghouse blind? But nvm that, in my books, cheating death are close calls, so a high 4.5/5.

in a way

I think cheating death is sort of also cheating. whaddya reckon killerman eh?


but cool

In my books

no. Its really easy to cheat death.

cheat deaths...

dont count as close calls killerman?


about being rude back then. BTW i won't rate it.


awesome thwump death-cheating.


Dissapointment. One laser and 2 chainguns. hardly any close calls and very short. i dont think this deserved a 4.5 at the most a 4.

COOL design

also, i like how the zap drones keep hitting him, but he doesn't die. that's crazy
no edited pads or gold delay (except the blocks to make them propel you)

dont worry

about spamming man its my fault for forgetting to tell you that

ya you gotta...

play in debug mode and press the 1 key before you play the DDA- itll work 100% of the time then


Great DDA. A little short for my taste though. 4.5/5


sorry for spamming
to play in debug mode


im the dumass i forgot to tell you what to do!


sorry im such a dumbass


9_4_0_0 and pribble i shoulda said something!

ah man!

i forgot you have to push "1" first

i keep

hhitting the launch pad and thwump at the same time and becoming invincible, why?




He died the first three times I tried it but cool DDA.



I was wondering ...

where you went! Good to see one of my favorite DDA makers back and im going to look at the DDA now...