In Spotlight Shade

Thumbnail of the map 'In Spotlight Shade'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ManyFacedGod
Tags author:manyfacedgod gauss in mines shadow spotlights unrated
Created 2020-05-19
Last Modified 2020-05-19
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hide in Spotlight shade
The bullets fly around you
If you can, stay safe

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'This Way' Thumbnail of the map 'Worms' Thumbnail of the map 'Rubble' Thumbnail of the map 'Loosing Touch' Thumbnail of the map 'Way Too Much Gold' Thumbnail of the map 'Dripping'
This Way Worms Rubble Loosing Touch Way Too Much Gold Dripping


Pages: (0)


what did you think of the map? any comment welcome!

no idea

I've delisted some maps in the past and maybe some of them had already been rated. also the counter had been broken in the first place

is it even possible to delist a rated map? idk

looks stunning

and fun to boot! feels vaguely oldschool. I like it!
Demo Data