40-4 - This is a mission

Thumbnail of the map '40-4 - This is a mission'

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Author Pakment
Tags 40-4 author:pakment gold mines remake rocket unrated
Created 2025-01-02
Last Modified 2025-01-02
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Theme: Remake

Original map:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '39-1 - PAK' Thumbnail of the map '39-2 - b, d, p, q, n & u' Thumbnail of the map '39-3 - A-Z' Thumbnail of the map '39-4 - XYZ' Thumbnail of the map '40-0 - testlevel - remake' Thumbnail of the map '40-2 - Reveal'
39-1 - PAK 39-2 - b, d, p, q, n & u 39-3 - A-Z 39-4 - XYZ 40-0 - testlevel - remake 40-2 - Reveal


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you are a trooper. you have been single-handedly keeping this site alive. you deserve accolades.
i will play them when i'm mentally able. but this one looks good