
Thumbnail of the map 'Teleportation'

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Author RavenMac
Tags author:ravenmac dda rated
Created 2006-01-12
by 23 people.
Map Data

Description This is my best DDA so far


Pages: (0)

Way too many rockets, but cool DDA.

Great use of teloporters but... the rockets are a bit crammed 4.9999999999/5


even for a guy who knows teleporters, HOLY #$%@#$%@#$%@#$% IN A @#$%@#!!!!
just put a ,-5! insted of a ,-1! at the end of code.
details at google search: metenat forums: teleporter tutorial


i luv telies!!! howdya know?


will you pleeeeease put a teleporter in my map or at least teach me or something? i just want to put in a teleporter in one of my maps and i dont know how. So i was thinking i could give you the map data and you give the data back after you put it in. pleaaase. i really need your help. and your one of the few people that i know that knows how to use teleporters

please comment on one of my maps to answer my question


this ran slow on my computer, but it's awesome!How did you do the grey things?


this ran slow on my computer, but it's awesome!How did you do the grey things?


I won't use the teleporters as much in any of my maps again. I will probably boost up the pow of them anyhow, if i need to. But, i am not good at using thwomps to launch or using trap doors. I just cant find a easy way of puting the dors in the right place. It is just hard for me. Ill try to find a help packet on the trap launches. It will be a wile before i make another DDA. I also thought this wasn't a good DDA, but i guess some people are amused at such things. =D

Nice, but

WeilinZou is right. people shouldnt vote it so high because of teleporters....but it is good. 4/5...a little to heavy on em too. is just my opinion that teleporters become less special if used heavily. don't be offernded by anything i say. its more constructive critisim. good to know there is someone else who knows how to make teleporters.
This was launchpad heavy, left gold out, gold delay heavy, had few close calls.
But, most importantly, it used teleporters, which is bad for DDAs

next time, make a DDA with more close calls, and less teleporters

Holy S***!

Wow. Incredible, simply incredible.

Holy S***!

Wow. Incredible, simply incredible.


This is definitly in my favorites.


How did you do that, i loved the begining with grey things flying everywhere, and you teleported too!!! Amazing. Im stunned. 5/5.