My first map

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Author viper093
Tags author:viper093 playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-01-15
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is my first map, and I don't really know much of the ropes to n-ed, but I did this, and I hope that you'll give me tips on this. Demos are great too!

Rate what you want. I don't really mind.


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Thanks guys!

I'm making one soon! Thanks for the suggestions!
But I agree with bigblargh, you should try to make you levels with as little gold as needed...
Demo Data
There was too much gold. Some you couldn't even get.
You put bouncy blocks in tiles. That's kinda weird and not needed.
You hid a trap door. Don't do that. Don't hide anything. Hiding a thwump in a wall is bad, even.
You didn't do this, but for future maps: There is something called clustering. This is where you put a ton of an item in one place. Badbadbadbad.
Your tileset wasn't amzing, but for that, just be artistic. :)
I give it a 2/5. Hope you make more maps soon. I think you'll be perty good.


Wow. It's great to have a new face around here that encourages and listens to constructive critisim. (Pardon my horrible spelling :D)
Playing this map... Now.