see if you can survive this

Thumbnail of the map 'see if you can survive this'

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Author generator
Tags author:generator playable rated survival
Created 2006-01-16
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description I don't know what I made but it does look crap doesn't it?
Well as you guessed it, it is a survival map.Try and beat it with under 10 goes and I'll give you a PSP.
Seriously Iwill give you a PSP...Cos i'm Bill Gates son.

So try it .



Pages: (0)



nor is this map...

by the way
But he means that since he's Bill Gates son, he's so rich that he could get you a PSP no sweat. Duh... wow... Therefore, it was not as FI said, a "good one"

Nice one

99turtle99. I WANT A FREAKIN PSP!...despite the fact i have one :P


too much F$%^in lag HOW MANY DRONES DO U NEED?
a definite 0/5
for the most bogus lie in history! Congratulations!!!


Nice one maniak.

First go

Where is my PSP bitch

PS. WTF how many damn drones do you want there? O and if you don't believe that I passed it, it say's so in the editing menu screen.
Demo Data

No way

I am not doing this with that much lag.

Plus, I can tell you're lying. Bill Gates owns Microsoft, not Sony, idiot.

2nd try

here's the demo
Demo Data

: )

Good shit Rory, good shit...