Thinking Logically

Thumbnail of the map 'Thinking Logically'

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Author freik
Tags author:freik dda rated
Created 2006-01-21
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Well this DDA kept me up till 5:30 AM last night. but meh. it doesnt work everytime but i cant fix that. altho it does work most times. i like this map because it has absolutely NO GOLD DELAY woot yet t still lasts a fair amount of time for how big it is.. well enjoy

Other maps by this author

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dOOr aRt stupified NEEDLEZ FTH3 TAUREN Asparagus Disturbed


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No gold = no fun?? That makes no sense.

Good DDA though.


sorry man but i dont understand what u wrote...

No gold - no fun

For some reason, i thought that was a bit crummy, but it was good when it didnt work, it crashed my com. lol.
3/5 = for the square background!


It was entertaining, there were some nice close calls, and it lasted a decent amount of time. There was also the fantastic tileset.

Personally, I'm against putting DDAs on the top maps, but this is really quite good. My only gripe is that it was over a little too long. Still, it's excusable since you didn't use gold delay. 4/5