Summon Ritual

Thumbnail of the map 'Summon Ritual'

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Author PCer
Tags author:pcer n-art rated
Created 2006-01-21
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description In this map you have to start the level to actually make the N art and it makes a really cool vortex type thing!
(Tis my First N Art)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Climbing'
Thwump Climbing


Pages: (0)

Im not voting, but

you could build off that


@ RedMatrix:
It's Fine:-)


much longer
Demo Data


Pretty neat. I made a small survivor map using yours, I hope you don't mind. I credited you!

Nice map

longer demo.
Demo Data

Pretty cool

could make a mediocre survival
Demo Data

thats pretty cool

too bad you cant go back and forth