Demonic Defence 3

Thumbnail of the map 'Demonic Defence 3'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Evil_Bob
Tags author:evil_bob bitesized playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-01-22
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Here is the first and second ones
Inspired by Sendy's map "What Now?!?! (an N riddle)"
Also inspired by the game Demonic Defence
This one uses two drone trains instead of one. I want some decent demos (all gold, speed, whatever). Fastest all gold non cheating demo gets a ded (Thats right. None for you ya little cheater). Hope you like it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tyrant' Thumbnail of the map 'Demonic Defence' Thumbnail of the map 'Simplistical' Thumbnail of the map 'Demonic Defence 2' Thumbnail of the map 'The Epic - Part XXXIV - The Eastwest' Thumbnail of the map 'Gravisphere (expanded)'
Tyrant Demonic Defence Simplistical Demonic Defence 2 The Epic - Part XXXIV - The Eastwest Gravisphere (expanded)


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It was three years ago. I had no sense like that xD

oh yeah i forgot, i love tht game!(demonic defense great game!)

It was pretty cool

but you should hav put in some more stuff, like gold

much faster

but still beatable. I give up for now, tho'
Demo Data


but the non-tense bit could be sped up waaay more.

5/5 for the map, tho'. Excellent timing
Demo Data