Bugs, bugs, bugs, buuuuuuuuugs... Hold Right DDA Edition

Thumbnail of the map 'Bugs, bugs, bugs, buuuuuuuuugs... Hold Right DDA Edition'

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Author Relys
Tags author:relys dda rated
Created 2006-01-22
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description A DDA Remake... I hope the Arther dosint mind.

Map made by The_Daily_Llama

Hold Right DDA!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Relys First DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Rockets, Gold and Thwumps' Thumbnail of the map 'Bow and Arrow' Thumbnail of the map 'One Lucky Guy'
Relys First DDA Rockets, Gold and Thwumps Bow and Arrow One Lucky Guy


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this is a waste of a good map. the whole things is just added launch pads and it shows no skill in making it. its also really boring to watch because people look at the dda and not the glitches. 2.5 down


I've checked back and I'm glad at least one of my levels was a small secess!


joe_kapow is a critic


how do you do the teleportation bug??

What are

those weird diamond smoke things that appear when I hit the teleporter?

Very Good

Impressive. First time i've seen an level already made turned into a DDA.



its about time someone made that level a dda. 5/5


yo can you message me on how to make maps i dont no how yet im a noob

you can i/m me at

xx 0ld sk00l xx

the o's are zeros


was it really neccesary to have so many delays!!!!
Why did my ninja fly off the screen after about 30 seconds??? WHAT!!!!!!!!


i wont vote though


it was alright i guess. not that mine are any better. I could've just as easily played it and it would've taken less time. AND i really hated that spot you wait at.AAARRRGGHH.also you used launch pads to much as a way of transportation...i understand though, the space is porbably a little too narrow to use thwumps. I'll give it a 2.5/5 just because i liked the original a lot.

now really

leftover gold, too many launchpads, not enough close calls, too much waiting around...


in witch case theres another long delay. and also he doesnt get all the gold and he dies at the end


The airea was not point less... Try doing it in debug mode. :)


Thank you! Your right about the delay. O well it's not that bad.
There was a whole spot that he didnt use its driving me nutz. shoulda filled it or made it blank it was pointless


This really a cool idea. Taking action maps and making them DDA's. That one part where you had to wait a while for N to hit the wall just right was a bit tiresome though. Other than that, awesome. 4/5