The Cave

Thumbnail of the map 'The Cave'

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Author Mixed_Thunder
Tags action author:mixed_thunder playable rated
Created 2006-01-24
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Venture into the ancient formation and meet your doom.

Footnote: Doom = fate.

Rate my other maps too.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Go the Distance' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple DDA 1' Thumbnail of the map 'Border Patrol' Thumbnail of the map 'Belly of the Beast' Thumbnail of the map 'Ndiana Jones and the Temple of DEATH' Thumbnail of the map 'It's Over Masters'
Go the Distance Simple DDA 1 Border Patrol Belly of the Beast Ndiana Jones and the Temple of DEATH It's Over Masters


Pages: (0)

... until... it becomes impossible. Even so called masters can't do the impossible.
Demo Data

Give us

a demo of completion, THEN we will believe you. For now, this gets a 0.0 for impossible completion.
I dont think its possible to get past it.

Masters Only

Only masters can beat this, so if you aren't one, don't try or you'll be disappointed.