
Thumbnail of the map 'DoorEerie'

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Author almog
Tags author:almog test unrated
Created 2006-01-26
Last Modified 2006-01-31
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description its a DoorEerie kind of map
i think you all know what that means

but because i didnt knew how to open trap doors that i closed before i used the bug that when you put a regular door on a closed trap door and open it you can walk through the closed trap door

and its a little bit confusing and it makes it harder I think
so you need to see what doors are open

and if someone can tell me how to record a demo i will put here one

and also how i watch other people demos

please rate this map its my first one and i hope you'l like it


Pages: (0)

here is a demo
Demo Data


what does'nt always work?


doesn't always work


incomplete demo
Demo Data