Rigged Tunnels

Thumbnail of the map 'Rigged Tunnels'

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Author geebeer233
Tags author:geebeer233 playable race unrated
Created 2006-01-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This one is medium difficulty. Yet, It can be quite Annoying. So, advance through the tunnels and try to complete it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'city under siege' Thumbnail of the map 'Ballistic missile system' Thumbnail of the map 'Elevators' Thumbnail of the map 'Freefall crossing' Thumbnail of the map 'The Deadly Box' Thumbnail of the map 'Mushroom Valley- The race against life and invisible bridges'
city under siege Ballistic missile system Elevators Freefall crossing The Deadly Box Mushroom Valley- The race against life and invisible bridges


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cona (Cons) my mistake

um yeah

I realized it when I completed it, I though it was my worst level yet when it came to False Advertisement or misuse of genre. Since I meant to put "Survival". But, The chaingun drones were set to Dumb so. The clustered rockets provided no substantial skill since you can use the traps to close it immediately. The gauss turret was supposed to make it seem like an obstacle course, which didn't work out. Mine clusters were sensless as well. The gold was overdone. Not only it gave the player more time to live, It depleted the meaning of what was supposed to be a race. the shock drones were ok as they were. The floor guard was placed on a cheesy area, Making it a harder time for someone. Maybe if I wasn't stuck on agreeing and disagreeing with everyone's pros & cona, I would of made a better level, Rather than Determination to make it impossible. Thanks.


from the tope then:
1. this is not a race
2. in N less is almost always more: get rid of the gold at the start. Senseless objects, doors, mines, etc should all be removed.
3.get rid of the chainguns, they aren't doing anything
4. no gauss turrets at the top
5. I'm not saying you can't, but in general, stay away from room maps and themed maps (ie a map that looks like a face) they usually dont come out well and aren't interesting.
6.Add some more to the scenery, it isn't interesting or cool. If you don't want to change the inside, them make the backround cooler.
7. Finally, it is usually bad to incorperate all of the enemies in one map, they usually don't complement each other very well. The only exception would be a room map, but don't have themed rooms (ie. one with only chain guns or turrets)
8. Use gold to accentuate the map, big blocks of it aren't good but in cool paterns or incorpeated with mines you can add a new dimesion of all-gold challenges to your maps.

I hope that this advice will be helpfull, if it makes you feel better, almost everyone's first maps looked like this


I agree with everything LordOfDestiny said, and I also think that the trap doors around the rockets in the beginng make that room a bit too easy...maybe one or two bounce blocks would have made it harder as obstacles.


I like it, but I won't rate it higher. Here some advices how to improve the map:

1. Where you are using mines, one mine is enough everytime.
2. The gold at the start is ugly and unnecessary. You should remove it.
3. The gauss turrets at the end are also senseless.