army assault course

Thumbnail of the map 'army assault course'

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Author madnick
Tags action author:madnick autogenerated playable rated
Created 2006-02-02
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Are you good enough for the army? If you are then you should be able to do this army assault course

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its not AUTOMATICALLY generated with a mapmaking tool. you can just edit it in the description.
I used NED (the one that comes with the N-Game when you download it - I Think thats what a map making tool is - well you make maps in it so yes it is!


the title says all.
but i give it a 3.5/10.
u should of put more tiles.
u should of make it harder. and u should of make it less laggy in the rockets & thrumps part.
by the way. what map making tool did u use to generate?
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