Io's Pretty DDA (v0.9b)

Thumbnail of the map 'Io's Pretty DDA (v0.9b)'

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Author Ioxoxo
Tags author:ioxoxo incomplete rated
Created 2006-02-02
Last Modified 2006-02-03
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description My 2nd DDA map, please see it and tell your comments.
In the map:
+ It is pretty becouse it slowly (no too fast pell-mell);
+ No laggy tricks;
+ No gold delay;
+ No other delay;
+ No objects one on top of the other;
+ A less launch pads;
+ Testing trap doors movement and some thwump tricks;
+ It havent close calls (enemys) - for now it's clean;
+ 1 bug used :);

- Work in progres, it have some work at the end, it have many free terrain :)

P.S. You can see my first map and see the changes in my style:

P.S.2 Next version here:
I cant edit rated map!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Io's Cross fire (v1.1)' Thumbnail of the map 'Io's SKATE (v1.1.)' Thumbnail of the map 'Io's 1st DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Io's DDA ART (v1.1)' Thumbnail of the map 'Io's Action 1 (v.1.1) ' Thumbnail of the map 'Io's Survivor (v.0.9b)'
Io's Cross fire (v1.1) Io's SKATE (v1.1.) Io's 1st DDA Io's DDA ART (v1.1) Io's Action 1 (v.1.1) Io's Survivor (v.0.9b)


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I think that this map would be a lot better with an enemy besides just 2 mines. That's kinda lame. Nice job though.




great map
i appreciate the lack of launch pads and gold delay