
Thumbnail of the map 'adrenasphere'

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Author freik
Tags action author:freik playable rated
Created 2006-02-03
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description a really good map by me i think its up there with my best... theres two ways you can go... left or right.. obviously right is a nice mine jumper map and to the left its just a normal action.. this took me a long while so dont rate till u played it for a while

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Conflict' Thumbnail of the map 'Conflict 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Pain redefined' Thumbnail of the map 'Intoxication' Thumbnail of the map 'Avarice' Thumbnail of the map 'Tileset 1.0'
Conflict Conflict 2 Pain redefined Intoxication Avarice Tileset 1.0


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excelent work...but also to hard for me xD...u cant see the ying and yang symbol soon...anyway great map xD


thanx man and yeah i think the chain side is easier too lol
this is awesome

this is so awesome you actually managed to make the side with chainguns and rockets easier than the side with just mines...or is it just me??

anyway, this level is awesome