Round n' Round n' Rocket

Thumbnail of the map 'Round n' Round n' Rocket'

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Author Gemini_Dreams
Tags action author:gemini_dreams playable unrated
Created 2006-02-11
Last Modified 2006-02-12
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A pretty long KeepRocketAlive. I like this map and it took awhile. I added little things to accomodate really fast players, since I am not fast enough to go through any of the shortcuts with the rocket. But oh well. This is a submit for the KRA contest. Have fun with it. This was previously submitted to NUMA, but it wasn't really finished, and I wanted to add a few things. I would like demos, comments, and rating.

The contest is located at:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Four Quadrants of Existence' Thumbnail of the map 'Divided Paths' Thumbnail of the map 'Quadratic Missile' Thumbnail of the map 'Laser Gilded Bullet' Thumbnail of the map 'Compacted Mine Jumper' Thumbnail of the map 'Sniper Scope'
The Four Quadrants of Existence Divided Paths Quadratic Missile Laser Gilded Bullet Compacted Mine Jumper Sniper Scope


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I cant believe I didnt notice you could go through the floor at the bottom. Im an idiot for that, but I fixed that. And you may not need to keep the rocket alive. But the whole point of KRAs is to keep the rocket alive until the end. Thanks for the help though.
Not completed, but sure could have. Cut's about a third off of the level, and shows that you don't need to keep the rocket alive until the end
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