Tentacular Amenities

Thumbnail of the map 'Tentacular Amenities'

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Tags action author:bobodahobo playable rated
Created 2006-02-14
Last Modified 2006-02-15
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description This is a really fun map. Going for completion is easy but all gold is considerably harder. If you get all gold i will give you a dedication. Well have fun...

Edited because nevermore is quite observant

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Treberend' Thumbnail of the map 'Denominator' Thumbnail of the map 'Arci' Thumbnail of the map 'The Strike of Destiny' Thumbnail of the map 'Macrocosm' Thumbnail of the map 'Mine'd the Gap'
Treberend Denominator Arci The Strike of Destiny Macrocosm Mine'd the Gap


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tiles seem so pro

Half-Gold Demo

The gold I *don't* get, except for the one above the door, cannot be reliably obtained. This gold is in two sets of linked mines near the corner doors. Up to that point I was rather impressed at how the map was designed to make the jumps easier (although I cheat on one).
Demo Data


im smart like that


isn't it impossible to go to the left and right holes
Demo Data


There's an extra piece of gold in the upper right cluster.