Rocky Mountains

Thumbnail of the map 'Rocky Mountains'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author madnick
Tags action author:madnick playable rated
Created 2006-02-19
Last Modified 2006-02-20
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This is my favorite level so far, and I hope you like it as well!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'TO THE TOP!' Thumbnail of the map 'New Cut Dimond' Thumbnail of the map 'Brain Teeeeeser!' Thumbnail of the map 'N AGAIN AND AGAIN' Thumbnail of the map 'Ulitimate N' Thumbnail of the map 'Out Of Reach'
TO THE TOP! New Cut Dimond Brain Teeeeeser! N AGAIN AND AGAIN Ulitimate N Out Of Reach


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pretty good

i like the tileset, although the bottom part loses some adrenaline

It's not bad

A little repetitive, but fun. Except for the trap door part. I hate it when people do that.

Thanks :D

Thanks :D


Okay, but keep these things in mind...

1. Sometimes, if you place a mine too close under a tile, you can jump on a tile with so much force that you will hit the mine at the same time. Watch out for that.
2. Traps are generally bad. In this case, trying to trap the player is a bad thing, especially when the trap's hidden under delicious gold.
3. Feels slightly empty. Gold would fix this.

But still, not bad at all. The tileset is cool.