
Thumbnail of the map 'superpipe'

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Author goldrunner
Tags author:goldrunner incomplete unrated
Created 2006-02-23
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i thought of this because of the olimpics cause i snowboard ill post a finished one when im done.

Other maps by this author

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N ipod The four levels of certain death the digestive system


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go back to my level and there is a link to a zip file for a tutorial on how to make messed jump pads. Please talk a look becase it is hard to explain.


Demo Data

u asked

how to make the n go farther than usual ona jump pad right? well i dont know how or why it does it but just make the tile set with the jump pad in it like on my first and fifth dda o and tha level... COULD be a great dda or race/ survival thingys