The only

Thumbnail of the map 'The only'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author smartalco
Tags action author:smartalco playable rated
Created 2006-02-24
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description i like my tileset... but i couldnt do much with it... someone can take the tileset and make it better if they want, just credit me, o, and please vote

Other maps by this author

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F-117 mines... run around


Pages: (0)


I want to leave my demo. It's a cool map ;)
Demo Data


i didnt think this would do this good, someone else want to leave some comments?

How come....

No one ever rates the best maps???!!! Just the crappy ones (hence mine are rated, lol) well...this is a great map 5/5