
Thumbnail of the map 'chaos'

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Author starburst
Tags action author:starburst playable unrated
Created 2006-02-25
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A nice action map with cool design. It's easy but it's fun.
Play it! Rate it! Write comments! ENJOY IT!


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Trinitrotoluene' Thumbnail of the map 'feel dizzy' Thumbnail of the map 'Go 4ward' Thumbnail of the map 'perfect symmetry' Thumbnail of the map 'walk' Thumbnail of the map 'up to the top'
Trinitrotoluene feel dizzy Go 4ward perfect symmetry walk up to the top


Pages: (0)

I'm not a pro but.

It's not easy xD.
Amount of times cornered by enemies = 10


ne Deutschstunde


- starburts is german, too. i usually know what i write.
- zum duden: ja, du bist ein ganz schlauer. du darfst dich setzen.


Now about the map: I don't think that the map contains too much enemies. It's just the right amount and they have been used quite well. (One exception: I think it needs only gauss turret.) Also, I like the tileset.

ach, und noch was

"dass da zu viele gegner drinne sin". Schon mal was vom Duden und Groß- und Kleinschreibung gehört?


He meant that he thinks there are too many enemies in this map (without having played it much).

You should be glad that a German came around to translate it for the others, tl.


ganz spontan (und ohne viel gespielt zu haben) würde ich sagen dass da zu viele gegner drinne sin.