TaJ For-alls

Thumbnail of the map 'TaJ For-alls'

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Author resident-evale
Tags author:resident-evale incomplete rated
Created 2006-02-25
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Another tile-set. Make a level of it if you want, but credit me and put a link in your description. OH AND PUT ON IT "This Haxor's vote 5's", or "Donate to resident-evales paypal account"

Enjoy xD.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Compadre' Thumbnail of the map 'Carnivore Tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Gift Of Faith' Thumbnail of the map 'Blood Diamonds' Thumbnail of the map 'United We Fall' Thumbnail of the map 'The Occult'
Compadre Carnivore Tree Gift Of Faith Blood Diamonds United We Fall The Occult


Pages: (0)

In fact, this is more of a mireacle... This is why: I was recently playing the Zorn's maps and he had very artsy tilests and I was going to ask him to make the Taj Mahal. And I come on today, and see this beautiful tileset... Amazing... 5/5. The tileset itself, without the gameplay is just ... Awesome!!!


A bit more picturesque than the last one, but still great.


i'm impressed. very good job on this one.