Maniac Qualification Test #5(fixed)

Thumbnail of the map 'Maniac Qualification Test #5(fixed)'

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Author Maniak
Tags action author:maniak playable unrated v1.3c
Created 2004-10-29
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is the fixed version of the 5th part of the Maniac Qualification Test. I forgot to reset the map.

This level is a very tough gauntlet of small rooms. Try to beat it.

Goal #1: Beat the level.

Goal #2(unnecessary): Complete the upper portion, and steal the gold in the golden hallway as a reward for going the extra mile.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Constriction' Thumbnail of the map 'Compression' Thumbnail of the map 'Maniac Qualification Test #1' Thumbnail of the map 'Maniac Qualification Test #2' Thumbnail of the map 'Maniac Qualification Test #3' Thumbnail of the map 'Maniac Qualification Test #4'
Constriction Compression Maniac Qualification Test #1 Maniac Qualification Test #2 Maniac Qualification Test #3 Maniac Qualification Test #4


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Goal 1 completed.

I probably won't try for the second due to the lag...
Demo Data


Hmmm... not sure what happened with my previous demo.
Looks like the lag affects the demo's differently from the actual game-play. Another demo had the same issue resulting in death. Anyways, 3rd time lucky. Not as clean as before but probably different from the usual round jump strategy.
Demo Data


By far the fastest demo of #1 to date.
Now for part 2 :)
Demo Data

Done goal #1

...I'll do #2 later...maybe ;)
Demo Data


Beat it... goal 1 of course.. goal 2.... in fricken sane
Demo Data


Nevermind. I edited the level so it would load faster and lag less. Basically I just deleted the top hald since I didn't plan on doing that anyway. Well I beat it and loaded my demo into the laggy version of the level... it's so laggy... I died. Crap.. gay.. hate you. I give up on this one.


Demo Data


All it's for is decoration. It's like a "Ninjas, go this way!" sign. If you don't like it, I won't use it anymore.
Damn. I've got a reasonable computer, and the lag on this still made the gauss turrets really unpredictable.
Anyway, here's a demo of Goal#1.
Demo Data


Ignore my comment in your bugged version.

I don't like the loading time. It is evil. And what's with the lone ninja and the arrow?