The Antique Clock

Thumbnail of the map 'The Antique Clock'

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Author Aju
Tags author:aju playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-03-06
Last Modified 2006-09-09
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description A unique mine jumper. Its a test level, because people will either:
A)Think it is impossible (which it is not)
B)Think it is nooby because of all the mines
C)Think it is easy, without playing it
And all of these possibilities would lead to a down-vote, and I would hate it to count against my average rating. (Even if ratings do not matter)

And, please do not use the walls.

Other maps by this author

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Well, sort of

The gold on the inside is not possible to get
And no walls...

Twas good

sort of challenging. 4/5


is all gold even possible?


not that difficult, unless you try for all gold. Did you intend for people to not use the walls?