Spiral Trap(fixed)

Thumbnail of the map 'Spiral Trap(fixed)'

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Author GoatMaggot6
Tags author:goatmaggot6 playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-03-08
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I know it took me a while, but here it is...the fixed version of Spiral Trap.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fugitive' Thumbnail of the map 'The Road Ahead' Thumbnail of the map 'Which Way?' Thumbnail of the map 'Opposite Day' Thumbnail of the map 'Spiral Trap' Thumbnail of the map 'Level for beginners'
Fugitive The Road Ahead Which Way? Opposite Day Spiral Trap Level for beginners


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If a map is very tough, keep it shorter - people will retry a hard map several times if it is short. If it is a longer map, make sure people have something to do while they're going through it. Most people do NOT want to just run N around with little to no action going on because it just isn't fun.

Specifics to this map: The spiral area is nothing but one big trap. It is not about skill, it is just about figuring out which gold hides which switch. This takes a LOT of playing and is very boring because there is little to do while running through that spiral. Your map is long and unforgiving, one mistake and you're through. This generally does not translate into fun for most people.

Avoid clustering objects, especially gold and mines. Most of the time, every piece of gold you place should be able to be nabbed by N. If not, then what is the point of having it there except to add load time to the level? Placing your mines carefully and selectively will generally yield better results and a faster loading map.

Yeah, I know

I know Im not that great of a map maker,& it aint that I dont wanna hear peoples opinions, cuz I really do. All Im sayin is that if someone doesnt like a level that I made, they don't have 2 play it. I am definately happy to hear any suggestions that anyone has 2 offer. Sorry about the mix up.


Hidden things are bad, ESPECIALLY IN QUANTITY. If you're going to make a short map with some hidden stuff, great, just don't make a long map that requires very little skill and a whole lot of trial and error.

And, to be honest, if you don't want to listen to people's comments on your maps then NUMA is the wrong place to post them.

Its not that

I'm not trying to be an asshole. It is extremely annoying to all N players, When the try to play a map, and relize the have to repeatedly start over because of all the hidden trap doors and mines. Get my drift?


U dont like it, dont play it


ever ever ever ever ever hide trapdors (or mines) under gold. It is extremely annoying. You also clustered, Put in useless. mines and useless trapdoors. *no rating*