
Thumbnail of the map 'Gnur'

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Author super_donut_man
Tags author:super_donut_man dda rated
Created 2006-03-16
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Nothing special. Just a simple DDA. Post comments, and rate please

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Gauntlet' Thumbnail of the map 'Donuts Revenge' Thumbnail of the map 'mansion' Thumbnail of the map 'Rock Lobster' Thumbnail of the map 'We are nihilists' Thumbnail of the map 'Like a dead goldfish'
The Gauntlet Donuts Revenge mansion Rock Lobster We are nihilists Like a dead goldfish


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LEARN A NEW PROPULSION?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

not bad

but its a bit slow and it gets really boring, i was too bored to finish it 3.5\5


alright, use different kinds of propulsion and a couple more enemy types 3.5/5


jump-pads can be overwhelming, and so can rockets.

the jump-pads arent actaully that bad, but i think mayb three rockets, three gauss and a laser drone would have been more interesting.