
Thumbnail of the map 'SinCos'

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Author Reader12
Tags author:reader12 incomplete rated
Created 2006-03-25
Last Modified 2006-03-25
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description An objectset instead of a tileset. Don't know if this has been done before, but I wondered whether a map could be built around objects instead of tiles. Let us see what people come up with! You can add objects, enemies, and of course, tiles. Just don't take any away. Please cite this if you use it. It's not pretty, I know, it was just a thought I had one day.
Please comment on the idea. If it has merit, etc.

Other maps by this author

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An Experiment Trampolines A Tribute to Peasant's Quest


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was awesome.

yeah its cool

yeah i had that tought once before and i made a pretty cool level only using objects. i rate a 4 for good thought