Fast As A Bullet V.2

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Author Shadow_soul
Tags author:shadow_soul dda rated
Created 2006-03-27
Last Modified 2006-03-27
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Well it's finally here! V.2, it turns out the reason it was soooooooooooo laggy was, I accdentally put around 5 bouncers on everything and I put waaaay to many enemys. I've also decreased the gold delay and added an extra section, WITH HELP FROM JUNKO. Now there's only one door and and soooooooooo many LESS bouncers. So this is my last change I'll make to this map. I hope you enjoy it, ^_^ !

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fast as a bullet'
Fast as a bullet


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Stop posting here or i'll spam your maps like a constapated dying weasle being chased a crazy person named.........................................................

P.S. Hate,
P.P.S. I know where you live.


hey everybody!

the map in that last post got resubmitted because it got sniped twice. It's new location is:
Then my actual new map, a teleporting DDA:


don't get mad Shadow, you did use too many bouncers. I was over there helping you with V.2, so I do know how many bouncers, how much gold delay, and how many pointless enemies we deleted, along with fixing the tileset, and a whole lot of other problems we had. And Joe, you should take V.1 into debug and check it out, because Shadow had at least 20 bouncers on every one you could see, but they were stacked up, so you couldn't tell there were so many. Well, since V.1 is now obsolete, this is my new level posting zone. My newest map is at:
Gosh joe_kapow! It took so long to get rid of a lot of those bouncers! You should see my other level: ! Then you'll believe!


many launch pads. find more ways of propulsion

not a very good dda

this dda is not good cos it has no close calls or nothing.


I like the bouncers though walls technique, it's good. What I'm concerned with though, is there arent that many enemies are there? If you meant it like that then tell me, otherwise its a good levl. 4/5

Take a look at a few of my own DDAs, see how you like em. Dont forget to rate! (Just click on my name)


The little part of the level after the thwumps are based on caterpillars if anyone's wondering.