SKULL step 2

Thumbnail of the map 'SKULL step 2'

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Author freik
Tags author:freik n-art rated
Created 2006-03-29
by 28 people.
Map Data

Description finished i think.. gimme suggestions.. i think it needs a background personally but anyway, unlike the last one i do want u to vote on this one.. and comment.. shouldi add a background opr not?? plz vote

Other maps by this author

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All things will end all chain massacre Tzatchicx Compaction skull step 1 Shattered


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Looks good. do not rate it jet, waiting for the background.

keep on :]
I think you should try it, I would have it fading into the skull...or from bottom to top...but that's what I would do.

going great



more details was added which is good and a background would be good but it has to be the right one so make your choice wisely or you might ruin the picture. otherwise very nicely done. 4/5