The Story of the Bullied N

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Author Joe_payne
Tags author:joe_payne dda rated
Created 2006-03-31
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description In this DDA, dont think of N as a super slick ninja fighting enimies with amazing speed and strength and so on ...
In this one, he is a poor little N, depressed,starving,no will power, & he chased out of his home by his mother(armed by a rocket launcher) to face the world alone. He gets bullied and pushed around by big bad thwumps, walks around miserably, dragging his feet to find his nice little home on the edge of town.

Now for just £2 a month, you can sponsor an N and give it a better future just call 08725-N-4-MANIAC

P.S. Yeh ano its quite a n00bish DDA with too much gold delay, and the action is meant to be pretty slow for the story, but when your about to rate down, Think about how N would feel!

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Just when i thought

you couldnt get any odder, a story based N level...dude what the hell is wrong wit you boya?


Wasnt it good

but N doesn't hit the goal.. or whatever.


a storyline I've never even thought about.....4/5


lets just say its in detroit

It's pretty good

3/5,But why does his mom have a ROCKET LAUNCHER!?