
Thumbnail of the map 'Trampoline'

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Author DGK
Tags author:dgk dda rated
Created 2006-04-04
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This is a really short DDA, and it has mostly trampolines...It is my first GOOD one, so I hope you like it.


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Too Short

It was way too short. Make use of the half of the map that you ignored and it might be a little longer and better.
"Close Class", learn to spell before you pin a .5 on someone.
While this is a fairly short and simple DDA (And they're launch pags, not trampolines), Its definately not worth a .5. I'm giving this a 4.5. Really, it would be a 4, because I like how it reminds me of one of my earlier DDA's. +.5 more to nullify Strike_Gundam's BS rating.


Well I think it was good.


or one of the launch pads doesn't work did u try it yourself?
and no close class :(