
Thumbnail of the map 'Spindle'

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Author ConfusedCartman
Tags author:confusedcartman incomplete rated
Created 2006-04-06
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Go ahead and use it, tear it apart, whatever, just cite me please.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '3-D Vision' Thumbnail of the map 'Blot' Thumbnail of the map 'Tambriel' Thumbnail of the map 'Tambriel' Thumbnail of the map 'Skeleton Key' Thumbnail of the map 'New Technique for an Old Trick'
3-D Vision Blot Tambriel Tambriel Skeleton Key New Technique for an Old Trick


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sure hopes

no one takes this the wrong way.


*points finger*
looks good. i'll rate 5 cuz it's better than a 3.5
numa, i think it sends out the wrong impression


um...sorry to say but it looks a bit tooo much like the Swastika. Its a symbol of happyness and good things but since the nazi's used it it kinda loses its real meaning. Try not to make these kind of maps, tooooooo many people make maps that look like this


I, personally, understand why there is a panic with the swastika symbol. It relates mainly to the time of Nazis, even thoguh it was around way before the Nazi times. The Nazi's just adapted it. Anyway, it happens to make some interesting maps, and just because someone makes a map out of it, it should not cause people to freak out. But it just so happens that it does, and I am sorry. I will try not to use this shape in the future.


is with the panic about swastikas??? (not aimed at you wlukach, but in general).

It's a cool shape, therefore it gets used. No-one should take offense to a map like this.

And my reveiw...

Very simple, not much effort was put in by the looks of it. I make alot of things like this everyday, but i never save or submit them. bleh...


i know you didn't try to make it look like a swastika, I'm really sorry. oh, and for a tileset, it's a nice one, so 4.5.

I also

took note that it looked like the swastika but i new he didn't mean it to.5/5

-Mr. Mongoose

I'm sorry

I was a little too harsh. I am truly sorry.
There are different religious conotations in both Buddhism and Hinduism, so lay off.

holy shit

do people learn? this symbol is called a swastika (actually, it's backwards). It was the symbol of the nazi's during WWII. I'm not gonna rate, but please, watch what things look like. granted, this can make some pretty nice maps.