Chinese Towers

Thumbnail of the map 'Chinese Towers'

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Author Renegade
Tags action author:renegade playable rated
Created 2006-04-09
Last Modified 2006-06-14
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description First map of my first series :P
I've been playing a lot of Age of Empires 2 lately, so I decided to made a level inspired by it. These towers are chinese guard towers with archers inside.

I'll submit the tileset later, so that other people can use it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ecstasy in Soup' Thumbnail of the map 'Made to fit' Thumbnail of the map 'Fly away with me Honey' Thumbnail of the map 'Catnip' Thumbnail of the map 'Flight of the Mailbox' Thumbnail of the map 'That long thing in the middle with a thwump inside'
Ecstasy in Soup Made to fit Fly away with me Honey Catnip Flight of the Mailbox That long thing in the middle with a thwump inside


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Great job, then!

I'm glad that you were able to do this so early in your NUMA career.


First of my maps to make it on the Top Rated list 1-10!
It's guurd!

5/5 + faved

Great map. Brilliant to play, simple yet fun.

Yes, I'm repeating Zugbop word for word, but his comment was so good, I don't know how to make it any better.

I also play AOEII some. Renegade, you sound like an interesting person and I'd like to get to know you, so please e-mail my e-mail adress that I put in another one of your recent maps.


Refreshing style, it was fun. And if I were making maps I'd even say inspiring.

5/5 + faved

Great map. Brilliant to play, simple yet fun. Reminds me of Ninja's maps. I think he got himself banned. This level looks great.