Lexington and Concord

Thumbnail of the map 'Lexington and Concord'

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Author Juneau
Tags action author:juneau playable rated
Created 2006-04-10
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Horrors of Horrors! The ninja and a rocket meet up and fight! The rocket has the advantage, but the ninja, nimble and strong, shall prevail. With your help, of course :).
Stupid name and description, yes, but I thought it was fun. My first map. Enjoy.


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Nice map!

And for a first, this is a good one. I just didn't like the bounceblocks; I thought they were too hefty and hindering. But still, keep it up!


fun, fun and more fun :)
welcome- my you improve the comunity three fold!

Amazing first map.

Welcome to NUMA- already creating maps better than the majority of us. May your stay be long and fruitful.