
Thumbnail of the map 'Tabletop'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author xRyuenjinZeroEX
Tags author:xryuenjinzeroex playable rated survival v1.3c
Created 2004-11-16
Last Modified 2004-11-17
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Try to survive as long as you can. Staying under the mines doesn't count. Post demos.

Other maps by this author

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strangely fun.

jump key only survival here - I'm quite bored at the moment.
Demo Data


I think it is a pretty good survival map. If you can't stay alive for longer than 5 secs your prob not doing it right Kablizzy. Try doing what I did. Using the jumppads to the sides. Pretty fun. 4/5
Demo Data


As a general rule, I dislike Survival maps. And, this isn't much different. The best I've done is about 5 seconds, and I didn't even bother to record a demo. I just think it's a tad bit too hard.