silent hills

Thumbnail of the map 'silent hills'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author dark_zombie
Tags author:dark_zombie playable rated survival
Created 2006-04-18
Last Modified 2006-04-18
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description a place with rockets and lasers and lots of em


Pages: (0)


not to submit all your first maps.

I made a lot of crap, but once I made a reasonable map, I decided..'hey, maybe this is good enough for NUMA'. And I was right.

thsnks guys

thank ya for bein so nice and cool now i dont feel like an idiot


i guess i forgot to put a door

Heh, no problem.

Everyone was new once. And at least you seem willing to try to improve, which is more than can be said for many people.
and because im so nice and its your 1st 5/5
Demo Data

its my first

its my first time makin maps and puttin em on sites


sry for that

No, I'm sorry.

Not only is it nigh on unplayable, it's unoriginal and required no thought to produce. Please put some more effort into future maps.