
Thumbnail of the map 'Twirl'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Bowj77
Tags author:bowj77 playable race rated
Created 2006-04-20
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description horrible from the othr of spirla, worst dda ever

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Yeah Haa!' Thumbnail of the map 'RUN LIKE HELL2!!!!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'RUN LIKE HELL3!!!!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'RUN LIKE HELL4!!!!!!!:Final Distination' Thumbnail of the map 'Worst DDA Ever' Thumbnail of the map 'Kill Zone'
Yeah Haa! RUN LIKE HELL2!!!!!!! RUN LIKE HELL3!!!!!!! RUN LIKE HELL4!!!!!!!:Final Distination Worst DDA Ever Kill Zone


Pages: (0)

Not very good...

The flow wasn't great, and 80% of the trap doors were unnecissary.
Demo Data


it was so good it was bad
1. bad object placement.
2. bad tiles mess with the flow.
3. you used trap doors. makes it too much like a DDA.
4. the trap doors kill you have the time.
i give you a 1/5
it was Okay. Better than I expected. 2/5

Pretty Bad

At least it's finishable.
Demo Data