The Black Hole

Thumbnail of the map 'The Black Hole'

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Author xxtdfxxkt
Tags author:xxtdfxxkt rated test
Created 2006-04-25
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description DO NOT RATE!!!!
This is a over powered jump pad its actually that powerfull so if you jump in it you'll just disappear. i like this map alot its also a test trying to make som N-art
ITS OKAY TO LOAD !!! : it dosent take time or make lagg to load the lvl so when your in the lvl just jump and watch him disapper!!!!


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'undead ? ' Thumbnail of the map 'Learn me FBF' Thumbnail of the map 'N blast Series : From up to down in a sec' Thumbnail of the map 'THEY can see you' Thumbnail of the map 'Spiin' Thumbnail of the map 'Teleport'
undead ? Learn me FBF N blast Series : From up to down in a sec THEY can see you Spiin Teleport


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Erm. Egghead.

I'm gonna make CD called "Noob Noob Noob - Post Edition!"
Just because he doesn't know doesn't mean you have the right to immediatly call him a stupid noob.
Just tell him it's been done before, good luck next time.

Make it sound like you evolved from a noob or something.

im gona make a cd

It'll b called "Noob, Noob, Noob". featuring all the repeated glitches in numa! with the top hit, "Yes This Jumppad Glitch Has Been Done Before!" , and "This Jumppad Glitch Is Not New Whatsoever!" i give it a 0.5/5. an it wudda been a zero but i think blak holes are kool :-P. i always rate maps that dont say dont rate. tee-hee