
Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump-Boarding'

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Author ItsFreakinSteve
Tags author:itsfreakinsteve playable race rated
Created 2006-04-27
Last Modified 2006-04-27
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description If only N wasn't so much quicker then those thwumps this map would be much easier, here's a hint, don't use all your running power or you'll find yourself having 100,000 volts of electricity flowinng through your body, or you'll find yourself on the reciving end of a mines explosion.

Map is kinda tricky until you are able to run on the thwumps easily, same goes for all gold.
Demos? Comments? Rate? Enjoy!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fade Away' Thumbnail of the map '...experiment...' Thumbnail of the map 'So Thank You Very Little And Send Me Postcards From Hell' Thumbnail of the map 'Chain-Gun Fun' Thumbnail of the map 'Lopsided' Thumbnail of the map 'Happy 40,000 NUMA!'
Fade Away ...experiment... So Thank You Very Little And Send Me Postcards From Hell Chain-Gun Fun Lopsided Happy 40,000 NUMA!


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Demo Data

fastest agd...

Demo Data

Demo Data


It wasn't really fast, but it made me proud. I really liked this map. I've seen another with the same concept, but I liked this one better. The having to track it on land was really cool. ( I think that makes sense.)
Demo Data


It wasn't really fast, but it made me proud. I really liked this map. I've seen another with the same concept, but I liked this one better. The having to track it on land was really cool. ( I think that makes sense.)
Demo Data

fastest all gold

very awesome map.. very fun
Demo Data

all gold

Demo Data


this goes in my favourites as a training map. it reminds me of the sort of thing someone did with a minejumper once.


That's nothing like what ItsFreakingSteve was talking about.

See, if he has two votes- one a 4.5 and the second unknown- and the second brings it down to 2.5, it was obviously a 0.

I doubt that anybody could claim this map is deserving of a 0. Thus, it was a sniper (read- an idiot) and thus somebody Stevo here has every right to hate.
But I dont think this deserved a 4.5/5.
I would however put it at 3.5-4.
It is just too simple.

Just got sniped...

I had one vote for 4.5, and the second one must have been a zero, as it is down to 2.5 now... HATE SNIPERS!

all gold

Demo Data

second try

there we go, much better...
Demo Data


first try...SO CLOSE!!!! well..sorta...
Demo Data